Baby Boomers, Let the Journey Begin
Today, inside all of the entertainment choices available to us, lies the fascinating world of Podcasts. Five years ago, I couldn’t tell you what one was. Now, I listen to them all the time.
So, what is a podcast anyway? It’s a compilation of music, news, business, short stories, self-help, mysteries, histories, and anything else you can imagine delivered in audio format. Instead of a library or the internet, content is available on platforms or host servers with names like: Spotify, Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Google Podcast and more. You can access podcasts on any of these platforms for FREE! 24/7. All you need do is take a few minutes to sign-up.
Before you say to yourself, “I don’t want another app on my phone” I’d like to point out that this is not just an app, it’s a complete entertainment hub, and I’ll bet once you experience it, it will be your “go to” app whenever you want to treat yourself to a truly individual experience.
Get started
1. If you have an iPhone, you have the Apple Podcasts app on your phone. It looks like this:

2. For Android phone users: Go to your play store:

and type in one of the platforms. I happen to use Spotify the most which looks like this:
3. Download the app, sign-up for a free account, and you’re ready to explore.
Once you’ve signed up for the platform of your choice, go to the search bar and type in: Out-Of-Place Short Stories and enjoy my latest recording.